Sunday, February 25, 2007

Why can't people read the FAQ page?

It baffles me every time I have to answer the same question over and over again.

I spend a disproportionate amount of time answering email, and so much of it is the same old stuff: How do you ship? Can these be fired with shot? Is the touch-hole drilled?

All of these questions are answered on the website. Most of them are answered on the FAQ page. It is standard Internet stuff. FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions.

On the "contact" page, where you have to go in order to click on the link to send us an email there is a note, in big letters, at the top of the page that says:

"Many of your questions are answered on our FAQ page.
Please click here to read our FAQ page!!!"

The second past of those instructions are in FLASHING YELLOW LETTERS. There is no way that you can miss them. Amazing.

People that can't follow simple written directions like "Please read the FAQ page" probably lack the discipline to read and understand other things, like owner's manuals and gun safety rules. In addition to that concern, much of my time is wasted answering the same questions over and over again when the answers are right there on the FAQ page.

Why haven't I updated the website in a while? Because half of my day is spent answering questions like "how do you ship?"


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