Monday, October 10, 2005


I guess the rain we had this weekend is a bit more than what we expected. There is severe flooding in several East Coast states. I read yesterday that Saturday night NH got 2" of rain per hour. There are roads and bridges out all over the place up here. Houses have been washed away, and in one case a mobile home got washed into the Cold River just to the south of here and as it floated downstream towards the Connecticut River it slammed into a couple of old stone bridges and destroyed them.

A body was found washed up in a corn field in Langdon, a 20 year old couple was killed when their car washed off the road in Unity. Jeff told me that the new Home Depot in Claremont was flooded from the Sugar River jumping it's banks. There are ten people missing in Alstead.

Keene has some major flooding and many road closures. Brattleboro VT had to evacuate an elderly housing development. The Governor of NH called up the National Guard to help out.

Paulie's house was basically ruined in Alstead Village. His antique wagon was washed away and half his yard is gone. The first floor of the house was ruined, and probably many antiques lost.

I read that the Fire Chief in Alstead pulled off a spectacular rescure by tying 200' of rope to himself and wading into the flood to rescue a couple that was trapped in their house and in danger of being washed away.

Except for the two guinea keets we lost here due to their lack of common sense, there was no damage here.

This has been an amazing year for natural disasters. I can't speak for others, but as for me it makes me more appreciative of the things we are blessed with and our relative safety up here in our little piece of woods.


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