Saturday, October 08, 2005

New additions to the homestead

There's been a lot going on here today, but since we have to get up early tomorrow to go to a funeral in Massachusetts, I'm going to keep this short, then go eat dinner.

Today I spent running electric fence wire while Jeff worked on prepping the new shipment of guns. What the electric fence for? Why, goats of course!

The well guy had a couple of extra does that he needed homes for and I was all too happy to help him out in that respect. Now, in a addition to chickens, turkeys, ducks, guineas and rabbits, we have two Nubian/Boer cross does.

We're planning to breed them to take advantage of their Boer side and get some meat goats out of the deal, and in the process get them to lactate so we can have goat milk.

With a family of three, we don't use enough milk to warrent a cow, and besides, Caleigh is lactose intolerant. She can digest goat milk though. After the goats push back the forest and we reclaim some pasture, maybe I'll give some thoughts to a beef-type critter, but that's way down the line.

The new girls came already named, the white one is "Bumper" and the tanish one is "Chocolate". Cute little buggers. Of course, I botched the electric fence job and have to find a short, but that's an entry for another day. In the meantime, the goats are in the chicken pen. They have never met chickens before, and the chickens never met goats. The turkeys don't seem to care much one way or the other.

Maria and I rigged up a big blue tarp over the pen to give them some shelter from the rain, they have a bucket of water and some hay. I hope they like it, becasue they'll be bunking with the poultry for a few days until we get the electric fence straightened out.

Now it's "cock-a-doodle-doo, quack, buck-wheat, gobble-gobble and BAA". This place is a riot!


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