Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Chick update...

I had to forgo working on our taxes today to go "fetch stuff" from the feed store and a neighboring farm. Couldn't put it off, we were out of hay, low on most feeds, and out of gamebird feed.

So instead of ranting about taxes as I had planned on today, I'll talk about farm stuff. The guy we get hay and shavings from alos raises Hereford cattle and his own crossed pigs. I've reserved two piglets from this batch, and I got to see the little day-old piglets today. I should have brought my camera! Cute little buggers, maybe half as big as a cat. More supposed to drop in a few days. After taxes are done, I'm going to take Caleigh to visit. He's also got donkeys, jackasses, the coolest billy goat I've ever seen, oxen and who knows what else!

Here's a chick update. So far, we have had 14 of them hatch, but we lost one today. It's navel hadn't closed up properly, and it had some kind of herniation thing going on. Still, it's a pretty good survival rate so far. We just have a $39 styrofoam incubator from Agway, but if you are attentive and turn the eggs twice daily and be sure the water is kept full, it does all that a hen would do.

Here's a pic of our baker's dozen of chicks, taken yesterday:

I just unloaded a bunch of hay and a couple of hundred pounds of feed. Now it's dinner time!


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