Saturday, February 06, 2021

Decided to start blogging again

 Looking at the last post here, I guess I haven't made a blog post in six years!

I guess I wandered away from this format since social media like facebook was so much easier to use. Then facebook pissed me off by punishing me for posting a Kyle Rittenhouse joke. Screw 'em. I have just plain stopped posting there, at least on my personal page.

As someone who works here all alone, the internet is my connection to the outside world and I didn't really realize how important it was until I stopped using facebook in January.

Since I haven't posted here in 6 years there will be a series of post about stuff that has happened in that time to catch folks up on the MVTCo Saga, now in it's 28th year!

A lot of things have changed in the past 6 years and there is more change to come as we move forward with new plans and projects.


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