Mobile Chicken Coop
There is maybe a dozen chickens that hatched out last summer in an old rabbit hutch that we were raising up as broilers. The other chickens would come around and harrass them, sort of taunting them about being in a pen when the rest of the flock free-ranged. We ended up letting them out to run with the others, which was the end of them being broilers. They hang around the front of the place most of the day and roost up in the hemlocks at night. Since they are mixed breeds, some of thme are pretty funky looking.
Now it's spring, and we are starting to find a few eggs a day in the hen house.
I just went out to my truck, which I had planned on taking to town to do some errands this afternoon, and asorted chickens hopped out of the back. Since one of the things I wanted to do in town was to go to the dump, there are several bags of trash in the back of my truck. I decided to check to see if the girls had deposited any eggs there, so I moved a feed bag out of the way. Out of nowhere, a little white head with angry red eyes sprung up and bit me on the webbing of my thumb.
It seems that this particular little white hen had decided it was a good place to build a nest and was busying herself with arranging hay in the corner, right behind the cab. She's pretty mad at me for disturbing her nest, so I think I'll let her calm down a bit, then try to move the whole nest, eggs and all, to a safer location that doesn't move every week or so.
The lesson learned here is that when it gets warm this summer, I better not leave my windows open or else I'll start to find eggs under the driver's seat!